Our customers
We work for companies, institutions and organisations from a wide range of sectors
Here you can find an overview of the companies, institutions and organisations we have worked with so far. We like to delve into a wide variety of topics in order to understand individual needs and offer customised solutions. Take a closer look at our project partners and the solutions we have developed together.

AG für Keramik in der Zahnheilkunde e. V.

AIDS-Hilfe Schleswig-Holstein



Blaue Bioökonomie

Center for Ocean and Society

Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel

Citytainment UG

CoWorkLand e.G.

CTSB Medical GmbH

Dental practice Dr. Tüxen


Die Ziegerei

Digitale Woche Kiel

DKJS – German Children and Youth Foundation


Elektro Voesch

Foundation Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe

Fraunhofer Institute IESE


GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Gesellschaft für Technologieförderung Itzehoe mbH

Government Schleswig-Holstein

Habitat Festival

Hermann von Helmholtz Association

Immobilien Lorenzen


Kiel Evolution Center

Kiel Marine Science

Kieler Wirtschaftsförderung

Küberit Profile Systems GmbH & Co. KG

Kulturkosmos Müritz e.V.

LAWI Engineering

Leibniz Association

Lillebräu GmbH

Luna Club

Minc GbR

Muhlack Kiel GmbH

Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design

Parkservice Kiel Nord GmbH

Priska Geens

Research Center Borstel

Schnittger Architects + Partners GmbH

screenable GmbH

SGH Metal and Plastics Technology GmbH

Spiritus Rex Malente

UKSH - Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein

Westfälisch-Lippischer Landwirtschaftsverband e.V.