Our standard workflows
Important milestones in software development
Briefing Interview
Definition of requirements
Joint budgeting
Kickoff date
Definition of usage scenarios
Creation of wireframes
User testing
Design prototype
Alpha version
Beta version
Public Launch
Operation & maintenance
After the launch of your software, we will of course continue to be there for you and take care of the secure operation and regular maintenance of your software.
Further development
The further development of your software through improvements or new features is of course possible at any time.
Important milestones in website creation
Briefing Interview
Joint budgeting
Kickoff date
Definition of the contents
Creation of wireframes
Design prototype
Staging version
Operation & maintenance
After the launch of your website, we will of course continue to be there for you and take care of the secure operation and regular maintenance of the system.
Further development
You can change your content independently at any time using the CMS within the developed structures. The further development of your website through improvements, new content structures or new functions is – with our help – of course also possible at any time.
Kostenloses Erstgespräch vereinbaren
Wir hören uns gerne Deine Ideen und Wünsche in einem kostenlosen Erstgespräch an. Schreibe uns dazu einfach eine E-Mail mit Infos zu Deinem Anliegen. Wir melden uns dann kurzfristig mit Terminvorschlägen für ein persönliches Gespräch bei Dir zurück!