
PerspektivSchule Kurs 2034 accessible website

Government Schleswig-Holstein
Vorschaubild für die Referenz der Website PerspektivSchule Kurs 2034 mit der Startseite auf einem Smartphone und einem Macbook

Initial situation & goal

A new website for the previous PerspektivSchule program of the state of Schleswig-Holstein

The "PerspektivSchul-Programm", which was launched in Schleswig-Holstein in 2019, will be merged with the Startchancen program starting 2024. The program provides support for schools in a socially disadvantaged environment with the help of financial resources as well as advisory and training services. We were commissioned to develop the new accessible website, which presents the participating schools, the program's offerings and activities.

Vier Smartphone Mockups, die verschiedene Seiten der Website zeigen
Macbook Mockups, die zwei Seiten der Website beispielhaft zeigen

Our solution

Implementation of an accessible website

The accessible web design was created taking into account the corporate design of the state of Schleswig-Holstein and some branding specifications by Lennart Paulsen (Inseljunge Grafikdesign). For the technical implementation of the website, we used the Javascript framework Nuxt.js and the open source CMS Strapi. This modern technology stack is extremely flexible, scalable and enables maximum performance. 

The Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BGG) obliges federal public bodies to make their websites accessible. This also applies to the PerspektivSchule Kurs 2034 program of the state of Schleswig-Holstein. For this reason, we have designed and programmed the website to be accessible based on the requirements of WCAG 2.1.

Overview of all participating schools in list and map view

The 135 participating schools from Schleswig-Holstein are listed in a table that can be filtered by location and district. In addition, an interactive Google map provides information about the respective location. The map is integrated via the Google Maps API and has been color-coded to match the web design.

Eine Vorschau der Listen- und Kartenansicht von Schulen

Structured download area

As the website is an important point of contact for head teachers and teachers from participating schools, various information and teaching materials are offered in a separate download area. The materials can be managed, easily expanded and clearly structured via the CMS.

Das Design einer Download-Sektion auf der Website

Contact page with grouped contact persons

The contact persons from the various areas of responsibility can also be managed via the CMS and published according to area. If required, optional descriptive texts can be added to the persons. In order to keep the latter optional, our concept includes a display of the texts by enlarging the contact cards and explicitly dispenses with detailed pages.

Das Design von Ansprechpartnern in verschiedenen Bereichen


Government Schleswig-Holstein

The federal state government is the supreme governing, decision-making and executive body of the executive power. All important political, administrative or personnel decisions of the state administration as well as the state's votes in the Bundesrat require the approval of the state government. Since June 29, 2022, Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU) has governed with a coalition of the CDU and the Greens. His cabinet consists of five female and four male ministers. Our clients include the "Ministry of the Interior, Municipal Affairs, Housing and Sport" and the "Ministry of General and Vocational Education, Science, Research and Culture".