
Humboldt Tipping Virtex - Digital exhibition

Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Education & Research
Preview image with homepage screen in laptop mockup

Initial situation & goal

Launch of a digital exhibition for the presentation of research results

Virtual exhibition on tipping points in the Humboldt upwelling system

The Humboldt Current system with its upwelling area on the Pacific coast of South America is a highly productive ecosystem in which an average of around 9 million tons of fish and other seafood are caught every year. It is also a hotspot of marine biodiversity. The system is subject to major seasonal, annual, decadal and even centennial fluctuations in the climate system, the dynamics of the ecosystem and anthropogenic influences from fishing and climate change. Effects can be seen in the intensity and location of the upwelling area as well as in the extent of the oxygen minimum zone, which is characteristic of the system. On the basis of various modeling approaches and in dialogue with various interest groups and decision-makers, the researchers at Kiel University are investigating possible adaptation options and deriving recommendations for management. These should help to reduce the risk of tipping point impacts on the regional economy and increase the resilience of coastal communities in Peru. Due to the international setting of the research project, a virtual exhibition was to be offered as a website instead of a classic, stationary exhibition to present the research results. A virtual space was to provide exploratory access to the information and actors of the Humboldt Current system.

Our solution

Development of an exhibition website with an interactive 3D space and CMS

We realized the virtual exhibition (Virtual Exhibition = VirtEx) through an interactive, multilingual website. Thanks to the multilingualism, an appropriate approach in the national language of the respective target groups is ensured. Using the JavaScript 3D library "Three.js", we created an interactive 3D space based on WebGL, in which the special Humboldt Current upwelling system off a stylized coast of Peru and all the actors involved can be explored. To emphasize the exhibition character, atmospheric sound material is used in the background, which users can optionally activate. A zoom function allows users to delve deeper into the virtual world and explore details. It is also possible to switch between the current scenario, a "doomsday scenario" and an "ideal" future scenario to illustrate the potential changes. A filter allows the objects in the 3D space to be sorted according to the topics of fishing, sustainability, climate change and life on the Humboldt Current.

Filterable information packages

A wide range of information and materials are provided for teachers, scientists and media representatives. Packages for specific target groups, areas or topics can be put together interactively using a filter. The information packages can be flexibly expanded via a CMS.

Kiel University

Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel

Christian-Albrechts-Universität (CAU) in Kiel is a traditional and renowned German university offering a wide range of study opportunities in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. With its broad range of subjects and international orientation, CAU attracts students and researchers from all over the world. The university is characterised by excellent teaching and research conditions and attaches great importance to interdisciplinary cooperation and the transfer of knowledge to society. CAU is thus a significant knowledge location that contributes to the promotion of education, research and innovation in the region and beyond.