Center for Ocean and Society

Research at the interface between ocean and society
The "Center for Ocean and Society" (CeOS) is a platform of the "Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel" (CAU) opened in 2020 for research at the interface of ocean and man. Integrated into the research focus "Kiel Marine Science" (KMS) at Kiel University, the center will in the future focus on the implementation of scientific projects in exchange with stakeholders from business, politics and civil society.

Corporate Design & Logo
For the opening of the center, we first developed an independent, new corporate design including logo design. A particular challenge was to visualize the affiliation to the existing image of the research focus "Kiel Marine Science", yet to create an independent visual brand.
The concentric logo visualizes the undulating interface between the ocean and society and at the same time conveys the dynamic complexity inherent in research. The circular shape of the logo and the abstracted waves as a design element - in addition to the color system - deliberately build visual bridges to the appearance of "KMS", but without sacrificing independence.
Custom Website
In a second step, we developed the center's custom website. Together with the researchers, we designed the content and structure of the website from scratch using wireframes. From the general corporate design, we derived special design tools for screen use and developed a component-based screen design system for the website that remains flexible and adaptable for long-term use.
The completely individual technical implementation of the website is based on the PHP framework "Laravel" and the Javascript framework "Vue.js". For the implementation of the design system we relied on the CSS framework "Tailwindcss". The content management of the website is realized via our admin system "litstack" with an individualized and intuitively usable admin interface.
Center for Ocean and Society
The Center for Ocean and Society is the cross-faculty platform of the Center for Interdisciplinary Marine Sciences - Kiel Marine Science (KMS) at Kiel University. CeOS conducts interdisciplinary research on the sea and coast. Experts from the fields of economics, geology, oceanography, fisheries biology, chemistry and other disciplines work together on projects with the active involvement of social stakeholders. This makes it possible to examine a topic from different perspectives and changes the approach to problems.
Kiel Marine Science
Kiel Marine Science (KMS) is the center for interdisciplinary marine sciences at Kiel University (CAU). KMS forms the hub for all researchers working in the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences who are concerned with the oceans, coasts and their influence on humanity. The expertise of the groups comes, for example, from the fields of climate research, coastal research, physical chemistry, botany, microbiology, mathematics, computer science, economics and the legal, economic and social sciences. In total, KMS comprises over 70 research groups at seven faculties and from over 26 institutes.
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Christian-Albrechts-Universität (CAU) in Kiel is a traditional and renowned German university offering a wide range of study opportunities in the humanities, natural sciences and social sciences. With its broad range of subjects and international orientation, CAU attracts students and researchers from all over the world. The university is characterised by excellent teaching and research conditions and attaches great importance to interdisciplinary cooperation and the transfer of knowledge to society. CAU is thus a significant knowledge location that contributes to the promotion of education, research and innovation in the region and beyond.