Use Case

Evaluation of the interface

For complex web applications in particular, extensive tests should be carried out both during the design process and after completion to ensure functionality and a pleasant user experience.

Tree testing 

This method evaluates the navigation structures of a system or website by giving participants specific tasks to solve using a navigable tree diagram. Participants are asked to indicate where they would expect to find certain information or functions in order to evaluate the efficiency and user-friendliness of the navigation. 

Cognitive walkthrough 

Here we simulate typical usage scenarios, sometimes in collaboration with stakeholders, to identify potential problems and difficulties in the design. Every step of the interaction with the system is analyzed to find out how well users can achieve the goals and how intuitive the design is.

Usability test 

In this method, users are invited to perform a specific task or series of tasks using the design under evaluation while sharing their interactions and feedback. Through observations, interviews and the recording of time, errors and satisfaction, the usability of the design is assessed and opportunities for improvement are identified. 

A/B testing 

This method involves comparing two versions of a design, A and B, to determine which version performs better. Two different variants of a website or app are tested with randomly selected user groups to determine which variant leads to higher conversion rates, better engagement or other defined metrics.

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